Jahresbericht 2022 für

NC IUGS: National Committee of the International Union of Geological Sciences

Präsident/Präsidentin: Robert Moritz

Von: Robert Moritz, robert.moritz@unige.ch


The main highlight of the year 2022 has been the organization of a student meeting in Geneva in September 2022 about the general theme of Mineral Resources. The conference was entitled: "Sustainable Mineral Resources Supply: Challenges for Future Generations", and among others, has been organised under the patronage of the IUGS, in particular its program "Resourcing Future Generations". See details in section on "Tagungen" below.

In addition, the support from the National Swiss Committee has also allowed us to finance the participation of one keynote speaker at the annual Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2022 that was held at the University of Lausanne.


No publications, except the abstract volume of the conference mentionned above.

Tagungen / Kurse

The main highlight of the year 2022 has been the organization of a student meeting in Geneva in September 2022 about the general theme of Mineral Resources. The conference was entitled: "Sustainable Mineral Resources Supply: Challenges for Future Generations", and among others, has been organised under the patronage of the IUGS, in particular its program "Resourcing Future Generations". This first European Student meeting has been organized by the Ore Deposit Research Group of the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Geneva.  It has taken place at the Natural History Museum of Geneva between Tuesday September 13th and Thursday September 15th, and was followed by a one-day short course at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Geneva on Friday September 16th 2022. For this meeting, we had a total of 140 registrations from over 25 countries, mostly students and post-doctoral fellows. It was a truly international meeting, with abundant fruitful exchange among the participants. Thirty-eight oral communications and 16 posters have been presented by students and post-doctoral fellows. Six keynote speakers started each half-day sessions between September 13th and 15th. The keynote talks addressed main themes and issues in the field of mineral resources. One half day of the meeting has been devoted to a brainstorming session, which has allowed the participants to share their thoughts with and discuss outstanding issues with the keynote speakers. On the last day, Friday September 16th 2022, 4 instructors participated in the workshop and provided the last updates about the genesis of porphyry-epithermal systems, which are major resources of copper, molybdenum, rhenium, gold, lead and zinc. We have also organized one social event on Wednesday night September 14th, which has allowed intense interaction among the participants, organizers, keynote speakers and instructors in a more informal environment. One website has been specifically created to provide abundant information prior, during and after the meeting (https://smrs2022.com/). The financial support of the National Swiss Committee  of the IUGS has allowed us to support the social events of this meeting. Additional support from diverse foundations based in Geneva, the Swiss National Science Foundation and generous funding from different companies and international associations (SEG, SGA) have allowed us to support the attendance of keynote speakers, as well as travel and accommodation support of students from Europe and Africa. In brief, this first European Student meeting of the IUGS Program Resourcing Future Generations has been a real success.

Internationale Aktivitäten



See the main highlight of the year 2022 described above: Organization of a student meeting in Geneva in September 2022 about the general theme of Mineral Resources. The conference was entitled: "Sustainable Mineral Resources Supply: Challenges for Future Generations", and among others, has been organised under the patronage of the IUGS, in particular its program "Resourcing Future Generations". 

Forschungsunterstützende Informations- und Koordinationsaufgaben






Dialog mit der Gesellschaft
