SSPT: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
The SSPT is composed of four societies:
- Swiss Society of Experimental Pharmacology (SSEP);
- Swiss Society of Toxicology (SST);
- Swiss Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (SSCPT);
- Swiss Society of Pharmaceutical Medicine (SSPM).
Of these, the SSEP and the SST are members of the SCNAT.
The highlights of 2022 were:
The SSPT spring meeting on the topic "Outbreak Covid-19" was held in person in Bern on April 28.
The annual meeting of the SST was held as hybrid meeting in Basel on November 17.
Both meetings were well attended.
· SSPT Symposium "Advances in pharmacology: Pharmacotherapies of pain and pharmacology of cannabinoids", 19 January in Bern. Organization: SSPT task force with Prof. Leonardo Scapozza and Prof. Hans-Uwe Simon.
· At the LS2 Annual Meeting 2022 that was carried out in Zurich on April 21-22, Georgia Konstantinidou organized the SSEP symposium " Advances in Translational Pharmacology".
· SSPT spring meeting with the topic "Outbreak Covid-19", held in person in Bern on April 28. Several members of the SSEP board participated in the organization of this meeting.
· 20th International Summer School on Translational Medicine, Drug Discovery and Inspiration in Bönigen, August 21-23. Organized by Stephan von Gunten and Thomas Kaufmann
· Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Toxicology, held in Basel as a hybrid meeting on November 17, on different topics related to toxicology. Organization: SST board.
Prof. Stephan von Gunten, SSEP council member, has been elected as a EPHAR (federation of European pharmacological societies) Executive Committee member for the period 2022-2026
European Certified Pharmacologist (EuCP): The EPHAR and the EACPT (European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics) have initiated this program, which identifies experts in Pharmacology. National pharmacological societies (the SSPT for Switzerland) establish a system for evaluating the candidates. The EuCP title is a European title.
A task force of the SSPT has elaborated the guidelines for the attribution of the EuCP title in Switzerland and constitutes currently the first evaluation committee. The EuCP program has been launched in Switzerland in spring 2022.
Prizes for young scientists:
The SSEP awarded a prize for the best short oral presentation at the SSEP symposium of the LS2 meeting
At the SSPT spring meeting, the SSPT attributed poster prizes
The SST awarded poster prizes at the annual meeting
Travel awards:
The SSPT financed two travel awards to postdoctoral researchers